Last Updated on June 12, 2022 by SM Toukir Ahmmed
I ask thy assistance, Doctor.
Thou art a wise immortal I seek.
That knowledge maketh my soul happy.
Mephistopheles didest poison thee.
That dirty, hellish devil didst spoil thee, thy soul.
That fool didest not know thy knowledge inspires us, me.
That fool didest not know thy power?
That rubbish didest not know thy honor?
I lust thy mind, not the soul.
That soul didest leave thee.
Not even asking thy permission!
Not even waiting for thy body!
Not even strong to stick to thy body!
What soul didest thee carry?
Whose soul didest thee carry?
What weak soul didest thee carry?
How dare they poke thee to hell!
Didest not they know thee?
How dare they mock thee.
What souls see not thee!
What eyes feel not thee!
What mortal afraid not thee!
What wise seek not thee!
What fool follow not thee!
What lover find not thee!
What scholar envy not thee!
Beelzebub, give me a dagger that killed Duncan.
I shall free those souls, I shall kill those fools.
I shall be poisonous as the lady that didst mock Macbeth.
I shall be as tricky mortal as Hamlet.
How dare they!
Love not thee!
Reach not thee!
Ask not thee!
Thou art a universe that lost its way.
Thou art a heavenly soul that didest find immortal pain.
Oh, Doctor Faustus, teach me!
Kill me with the knowledge.
Hurt me with the art.