Last Updated on February 15, 2025 by SM Toukir Ahmmed
- What Is Digital Humanities and What’s It Doing in English Departments?
- Bengali Language
- Evolution of Bangla
- Languages of Bangladesh
My Digital Humanities Project | mʌɪ dɪdʒɪtl hjuːmænətiːz prəʤekt
Phonetic Transcription of Ghazal, Bangladeshi anthem, poems and songs. Oral and written literature is phonetically transcribed to extend the Bangla Language globally, especially to audiences who know the International Phonetic Alphabet. This project focuses on Bangladeshi English to introduce and ease the knowledge gap between Bengali and English languages.
I transcribed all the contents without the assistance of any AI or other transcription software as the Bangladeshi accents are different in terms of other accents. Furthermore, I prefer human authenticity to software in terms of phonetic transcription of Bangladeshi oral and written literature. There is no denying the fruitful assistance of software in our daily lives, however, I aim to focus on my creativity in order to ease the learning process of the pronunciation between Bangla and English languages. Learners of the English language and Bengali language will benefit from this project. I would like to ensure that my project has its limitations and that undergoing projects will be developed and improved gradually by me. I transcribe according to Bangladeshi pronunciation admiring multicultural and intercultural values. I believe countries have languages which make us one. Happy reading…!
- Amar Shonar Bangla | ʌmər ʃɒnɑːr bɑːŋlɑː
- Amar Bhaier Rokte Rangano | əmɑːr vɑɪer rɔːkte rəŋənɒ
- O Amar Ural Ponkhi Re | ɔː ʌmər ʊrəl pɒŋkɪ reː
- Prothom Bangladesh | prɒθɒm bəŋləðeːʃ
- Shurjodoye Tumi | ʃʊrdʒɒðɒeː tʊmiː
- Jonmo Amar Dhonno | dʒɔːnmɒ ʌmɑːr ðhɔːnnɒ
- Mora Ekti Fulke | Mɒrʌ ektɪ fʊl ke
- Ekti Bangladesh | ‘ektɪ bəŋləðeːʃ
- Dur Dipo Basini
- Tumi Asmane | tʊmɪ ʌsmɑːneː
- Trivuboner Priyo Muhammad | triːvuːnər priːɒ mʊhəmməð
[ PS: I use a Unicode Phonetic Keyboard (Windows) to show the transcription without using any app or AI ]
Last Updated on February 15, 2025 by SM Toukir Ahmmed